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1-to-1 Leadership Coaching Programmes


Face-to-face or Online Video Call

Duration: 6 -12 sessions of 1 hour

Audience: Middle Managers to Directors

Course Fees: Available on request


●    Retain key leaders by providing independent support through coaching
●    Target specific areas for leadership development through coaching sessions
●    Solution-focused coaching that generates practical action plans for continuous improvement during each session
●    All coaches British-Certified in the LEDA Coaching System
●    Opportunity to have either excellent Local Associate Coaches or International Master Coach and Expert Advisor with the NHRC


  • “It is strongly acknowledged that organisations now realised the significant benefits of developing talent through coaching and mentoring programmes.

  • The main purpose of coaching and mentoring in the workplace is to motivate employees to bring out the best of their capabilities. Thus, the focus on coaching and mentoring is to develop individual potentials and optimising the person’s capabilities.”





Our specialist leadership coaches deliver practical, solution-focused coaching sessions. Each session is delivered using the LEDA Coaching System. The sessions are designed to energise your leaders and give them new clarity on how to move forward through practical action steps.

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We are more than happy to help you with your goals.
Contact us for more enquiries.

Why Choose 1-to-1 Leadership Coaching?

Leadership can often feel like a lonely position and stress can build up, getting in the way of achieving that next level of peak performance. Providing your leaders with the support of a highly-skilled Executive Coach will make an exceptional difference.

Our specialist coaches provide a very positive support solution that will energise your executives, directors and managers. Our internationally developed coaching system is designed to give your leaders the space to gain new clarity, vision and confidence on how to meet their business goals and lead their teams to new levels of performance success.

Our 1-to-1 coaching programmes involve a combination of executive coaching sessions and developing a working understanding of the structure and benefits of leadership coaching.

  • What Will You Learn?
    Emotional Intelligence is about making intelligent responses to negative feelings. This programme equips leaders with 6 LEDA EQ Skills to generate positive emotions in themselves and others through being present, empathetic, genuine, resilient and empowering in their behaviour. The practical sessions within the course empower participants to be proactive in designing new strategies to boost staff engagement and reduce team attrition rates.
  • What Is The Course Outline?
    COURSE OUTLINE - DAY 1 Introduction Optimal leadership qualities The Two Systems of Thought The consequences of negative emotions in the workplace EQ Skill 1: Self Awareness LEDA EQ Self-Assessment: Mood, Energy Level & Engagement Strengths and limitations awareness Leveraging on feedback to raise self-awareness Stress Management - Mindfulness Techniques Emotional Self-Management Self-Reflection for Managers - strategies to convert negative emotions into positives EQ Skill 2: Authenticity Challenges to being ourselves as leaders Leadership Archetypes Leading with confidence EQ Skill 3: Awareness of Others The Emotional Impact managers have on team members Using EI to Build Rapport & Workplace Harmony Empathy Skills to Connect & Respect How to Motivate Higher Performance through EI Awareness of team workload and stress levels COURSE OUTLINE - DAY 2 EQ Skill 4: Care The ‘EQ Care Spectrum’ for Leaders Designing optimal stakeholder well-being statements and actions The ‘1 Thing Activity’ - Individual Commitment to Apply EI Learning immediately in the workplace EQ Skill 5: Consistency The consequences of inconsistent leadership The LEDA EQ Consistency Scale Practical Techniques for emotional consistency in the workplace - journaling commitments and actions EQ Skill 6: Positivity Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Motivation The 3 keys to increasing Intrinsic Motivation Recognising achievements to boost confidence 2 WEEK INTERVAL Important Note on Programme Structure: There is a 2 week interval between Day 1 and Day 2 Participants will use the LEDA Next-Level App for work-based activities
  • Who Is The Target Audience?
    Managers at all levels and High potential prospective and future managers.





We are more than happy to help you with your goals.
Contact us for more enquiries.

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